Young Adult Ministry
Description – To provide Young Adults with an atmosphere in which they can develop and demonstrate their skills in the furthering of Christian Education.
Goal – To encourage and motivate Young Adults to maintain committed lives to Christ and practice Christian Principles, and live healthy fulfilled lives in Christ.
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Youth Ministry
Sis. Ronda Libbett & Rev. Austin Young, Co-Youth Pastors
Youth Bible Study: Tuesday’s 6-7pm
Youth Sunday: Every 4th Sunday @ 11am
Children’s Ministry
Scripture Proverbs 20:11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether they be right and whether they be pure.
Goal – To have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and that relationship becomes strong and sustained through prayer, study, and worship.
Objective: – To be able to use the Bible in study and worship. To know what worship is and to understand what it means to have true salvation and what makes a church a church.
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